Nepal Dec 2000

We escape the Millenium bug by going to Nepal.


No sign of the Little green-eyed God. Katmandhu.


In flight past Everest to Khosi Tappu.

In flight past Everest to Khosi Tappu.

Roast for Dinner. Khosi Tappu Camp.

Waiting for her turn.

A river trip on Khosi river.


A passing Great White Egret.

It's all too much.

Elephants on parade.


Our Camp. Khosi tappu.

More domestic elephant.

A funeral. Nepali style.

Farm yard.

Sorting grain.

Farm house.

Constable's Haywain.

Ox power.

Tilling the fields.

Bringing home the crop.

Naturetrekkies seeking out a small bird.

Which was under my feet all the time. Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark.

Village bridge.

Some bits are missing.

Is it all too much?

Evening entertainment.

Evening entertainment.

It's also too much for Hassan our guide.

Indian Rhino.

Indian transport Chitwan.

Jungle Cat.


More harvest.

Ferry across the river.

One horned Asian Rhino.

Local transport option.

We find a nice leopard.

Swamp Deer.

Chitwan village.

Mugger Crocodiles.


Sloth bear. Elizabeth passes her test on foot.

Show no fear and don't run.


