Ecuador The Eastern slopes and Rio Napo

Elizabeth and Fred take a return trip to places they enjoyed.
Mainly birds but some lovely scenery.

Hacienda las Cuevas.Grounds.

Hacienda las Cuevas. Our home for two nights.

Rufous-naped Brush Finch.

Rufous-collared Sparrow. Hacienda las Cuevas.

Shing Sunbeam at Tambo Condor.

Sparkling VioletEar . Tambo Condor.

Black Flower piercer. Tambo Condor.

Shining sunbeam and Black-tailed Trainbearer.

Black-tailed Trainbearer, Tambo Condor.

Ecuadorian Hillstar. Antisana NP

The Hillstar is yet another species of Hummingbird.

Carunculated CaraCara. Antisana.

Antisana Volcano. At 18,875 ft it is the 4th highests in Ecuador.

White-tailed Deer. Antisana.

Our guide and friend Gabriel at Laguna de Mica. Antisana.

White-tailed Deer, resting.

Andean Gull. Antisana.

Paramo landscape.

Lava cliff with nesting Andean Condors..

Giant Hummingbird. Tambo Condor.

Antisana from Papallacta Pass.

Buff-tailed Coronet. Guango Lodge.

Buff-tailed Coronet.

Waterfall in Guango hills.

Great Thrush. Guango Lodge.

Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan. Guango Lodge.

Masked Flowerpiercer. Guango.

White-bellied Woodstar. Guango Lodge.

Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle. Papallacta.

Header photo of Antisana.

Rufous-bellied SeedSnipe. Papallacta pass.

Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager. Papallacta.

Turquoise Jay. San Isidro.

Bananaquit. Private birding hide.

Tawny-bellied Hermit.

Tawny-bellied Hermit.

Long-tailed Sylph.

Long-tailed Sylph.

Papallacta Pass. Main road in the valley. Old track ahead.

San Isidro Lodge.

Black Agouti. San Isidro.

San Isidro's "mystery Owl". Currently not scientifically identified.

San Isidro's "mystery Owl". Two came each night at dinner.

Canada Warbler. San Isidro.

Cinnamon Flycatcher. San Isidro Lodge.

White-bellied AntPitta. San Isidro. Came to the whistle for worms

Andean Pottoo, with chick. seen by the San Isidro road.

Andean Pottoo, with chick. Drying after rain.

Our cabin in the woods. San Isidro.

Inca Jay. San Isidro Lodge.

Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet. San Isidro Lodge.

Yellow-headed Caracara. On the roadside.

Blue-grey Tanager. Rio Quijos Lodge.

Golden Tanager. Rio Quijos.

Torrent Ducks. f on left. Rio Quijos (literally)

We saw them again when it dried out.

Green and black Fruiteater. Summit road.

Orange-billed Sparrow. Roadside halt.

Red-crested Finch. Private site.

Our cabin at Eden Amazon eco Lodge. Our home in the Jungle.

Floral grounds . Eden Lodge.

Hoatzin. Laguna at Eden eco Lodge.

Horned Screamer. Eden Eco Lodge.

The laguna at Eden eco Lodge.

Nests of Russet-backed Oropendolas.

Tropical Screech Owl. Eden Lodge.

Vegetation at teh Laguna with Wattled Jacana.

Floral display. Eden eco Lodge.

Main buildings Eden eco Lodge.

Amazon Kingfisher.

Laguna Cruiser.

Deep in the forest.

Spot the bats.

Proboscis Bats at rest.

Lobby at the Gran Hotel de Lago el Coca where we spent a night..

Gran Hotel de Lago el Coca. We flew back to Quito from here.

Our itinerary we had to photograph having been re-routed. Quito KLM.